“The principal virtue of The Dilemma of Wilderness is that there is a sufficient congeries of data—issues in the recent politics of New Mexico’s public lands—to warrant writing and reading about. Another virtue is some attempt to see more than one side of the issues.”
      —A.E. Keir Nash, Journal of Forest History
            “WWA member Corry McDonald adds to his writings about the outdoors with The Dilemma of Wilderness. ‘Perhaps U.S. National Wilderness Areas may generate more problems for people than they solve,’ he observes in noting the problems of pot hunting, poaching, illicit planting of marijuana, cutting of pinon trees, etc. The United States, he points out, has changed over the years from 98 percent wilderness to about 5 percent wilderness. His 1985 book, Wilderness: A New Mexico Legacy, also published by Sunstone Press, has been chosen by the English-Speaking Union as one of the best current American books reflecting national life, history and culture.”
      —Nancy Hamilton, Western Writers of America, Inc., The Roundup