Second Novel in a Trilogy

      Making Crazy
      Based on the novel by Michael Scofield
      LOG LINE: Another beautiful Santa Fe spring as four love-starved couples trample each others' lives.
      Act 1 (May 7-12, 2005)
      Scene 1: From Silicon Valley, Heather's parents-in-law hope to retire in Santa Fe. When Heather trips and falls in their new hacienda, her husband, Christopher, berates her clumsiness and his father rushes outside to berate the general contractor.
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      Scene 2: Christopher, the poet Derek, and Derek's painter wife tangle in an argument at the gym. Christopher carries his bad mood home.
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      Scene 3: Derek has fallen for Kullman College's library director, though she wants little to do with him.
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      Scene 4: Derek takes his woes to the home of his friend, the wood-carver Chad Hopp. Heather Ryan appears and meets Derek.
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      Scene 5: Derek's wife Natalie asks a life coach to end her unhappiness.
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      Scene 6: Later, Natalie sees an acupuncturist whose good looks and needles turn her on.
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      Scene 7: Back at the gym, the son of the owner suspects his mother of flirting with Derek. To Derek's delight, Christopher Ryan hurts himself on the trampoline.
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      Scene 8: Derek and Natalie fight over money. She accuses him of pining sexually for his dead sister.
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      Scene 9: Derek rushes to the Kullman College library where the director explains why she hates men.
      Act 2 (May 13-18, 2005)
      Scene 1: Christopher's mother reveals her frustrations with her husband. She helps Heather tend her pets and the injured Christopher. His father flirts with Heather.
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      Scene 2: Behind wood-carver Chad Hopp's back, his wife and her lover--the college library director--plan to escape to Maine.
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      Scene 3: In the storeroom of Chad's gallery, Derek's wife Natalie shares her woes with Chad and tries to seduce him.
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      Scene 4: Christopher's father is taking tranquilizers to ease his anger at the contractors. Christopher tells his father to keep his hands off Heather.
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      Scene 5: Heather and Derek secretly meet for breakfast to talk about poetry. Derek relates a history of incest with his sister. Heather flees.
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      Scene 6: Derek's wife Natalie revisits her life coach, who makes a play for her.
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      Scene 7: The wood-carver Chad's wife tells him she's running off with the library director. He kicks her. She retaliates by trashing his workshop.
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      Scene 8: At the library, Chad's wife and the director discuss their future in Maine. Derek appears. He catches Chad's wife trying to escape by the window.
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      Scene 9: The gym's co-owner tries to seduce Derek but he rejects her, hoping to stay loyal to Heather.
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      Scene 10: Derek tells his wife he no longer loves her. She shuts herself in the bathroom to throw up.
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      Scene 11: Heather and Christopher admit that, without counseling, their marriage is probably over. Heather rejoices.
      Act 3 (May 19-24, 2005)
      Scene 1: Natalie tells the acupuncturist how attracted she is to him. He hints that he already sleeps with a woman and a man.
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      Scene 2: Chad offers to help Natalie display her paintings in his gallery. As they head home from a walk, Chad's wife drives toward them. Natalie's life coach shows up, too.
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      Scene 3: Heather and Derek picnic, talk poetry, and decide where to make love.
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      Scene 4: Christopher, home early, discovers the two lovers in Heather's and Christopher's bed.
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      Scene 5: Christopher introduces his mother to the gym's mother-and-son co-owners. Christopher and his mother see the son trick Derek into spraining his back.
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      Scene 6: Christopher's mother accuses his father of recurrent adultery back in Silicon Valley.
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      Scene 7: Christopher vents his rage at Heather by smothering her cat, goldfish, horned toads, and a lovebird, arranging the corpses on the king-size bed.
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      Scene 8: In their retirement hacienda, Christopher confesses his crime to his parents. While his father drinks, his mother rejects her son.
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      Scene 9: The wood-carver's wife has gone. Heather and Derek stay overnight with him. Christopher's mother tells Heather on the phone that she plans to divorce her husband and wants to settle in Santa Fe.
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      Scene 10: Natalie nurses her grief by gardening. She invites the wood-carver to spend the night with her. He declines.
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      Scene 11: Heather and Derek plan to bury her pets' corpses. When Christopher shows up, Derek knees him in the balls. After Christopher limps off, Heather begs Derek to make her pregnant.